Có 2 kết quả:

三顧茅廬 sān gù máo lú ㄙㄢ ㄍㄨˋ ㄇㄠˊ ㄌㄨˊ三顾茅庐 sān gù máo lú ㄙㄢ ㄍㄨˋ ㄇㄠˊ ㄌㄨˊ


Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) lit. three humble visits to a thatched cottage
(2) cf famous episode in the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms | in which Liu Bei | recruits Zhuge Liang | (the Hidden Dragon |) to his cause by visiting him three times

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Từ điển Trung-Anh

(1) lit. three humble visits to a thatched cottage
(2) cf famous episode in the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms | in which Liu Bei | recruits Zhuge Liang | (the Hidden Dragon |) to his cause by visiting him three times

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